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Award-winning kit for aspiring film creators
Location: Eldon Building
Our Video Editing Suite provides a space for video editors to work on their films and videos, from basic editing to long-form projects requiring finishing and/or colour grading.
The Suite contains award-winning industry software, including Avid Media Composer, Da Vinci Resolve, Adobe Creative Cloud, and ProTools.
Undergraduates on our Television Production, Film Production, Media Studies, and Film Studies courses and postgraduates studying Media and Communication and Film and Television primarily use the Suite—but students from all areas of the Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries are also welcome to use it to support their projects.
The Suite reflects current industry standards, incorporating workflows similar to places like Pinewood Studios, which allows a smooth transition into working in film and television.

Equipment and amenities
- 34 high-spec machines, most of which have dual-monitor setup
- Rapid online server, allowing editors to work from a number of machines at the same time and reflecting a multi-user environment in industry
- Adjoining office with experienced and qualified technicians ready to assist
Editing booths
The Suite contains five private editing booths with dual wall-mounted monitors and a third 'broadcast monitor', where editors can see true colour output based on their desired deliverable option. The booths are painted in a neutral grey colour to give the best representation of on-screen colour.
The booths also have a 5.1 surround sound speaker setup to allow for cinema-quality sound mixing.
Related facilities
Eldon TV Studios
Learn the skills you need to work in video/audio production and broadcasting and get involved in our student-led TV channel, CCI TV.

CCI Open Access Suite
Our open-plan space includes PCs and Macs equipped with Adobe Creative Suite and other professional software.