Professor Joy Watts
Joy Watts is Associate Dean for Research and Innovation and a Professor of Environmental Microbiology with her research focusing upon the application of molecular tools to understand the microbial diversity and important interactions that can degrade recalcitrant organic compounds, such as lignin. This includes diversity and function of microbes associated with the GI tracts of wood eating organisms, detection of antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture and marine systems. She has active expert panel roles for the European Commission Horizon 2020 programme, is an editorial board member for journals, including Nature Scientific Reports, is Editor-in-Chief for Environmental Microbiome, and is an advisor for the Marine Microbiome Policy Report. With a funding track record from the European Commission, NERC and Innovate UK.
Research interests
The application of molecular tools to better understand microbial diversity and interactions in the environment. Recognised for her research into microbial diversity, specifically targeting deconstruction of solid polymer substrates for industrial applications.
The diversity and function of microbes associated with the GI tract of xylophagous fish and their role in cellulose and lignin digestion has been a major theme.
Antimicrobial resistance in the environment and its transfer and concentration in aquaculture systems.
Microbial diversity on the plastisphere of marine pollution and its possible role in AMR transfer.
The detection and isolation of new anaerobic PCB dechlorinating microbes.
Research outputs
Hazra, M., Joshi, H., Watts, J. E. M., Williams, J. B.
20 Mar 2024, In: Science of the Total Environment. 917, 20p., 170433