Economics, Finance and Banking BSc (Econ) (Hons) student Abdul Wahid shares their experience of their placement year
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Why did you decide to take a placement year?
After only having retail experience on my CV, I thought taking a placement year would be a great chance to gain experience and venture into the professional field where I can gain and develop skills but most importantly, have one year of professional industry experience is something I have not done before.
How did you find the placement search/the support on offer?
The massively helped me throughout my placement search from my CV and cover letter to the interview stages and even offering support throughout my placement whenever I needed it. I would highly recommend anyone who wants to do a placement to utilise the placement team as much as they can because honestly, without them, I don’t think securing this placement would have been possible
How did you find your placement role?
My placement role was amazing. I got the opportunity to work at one of the largest entertainment companies in the world and learn so much throughout the whole process.
Describe your company/your role, what you learnt, skills developed, highlights of your placement
The company I worked for was Warner Bros and I had many highlights throughout the year. To list a few:
- Had my name in the credits of Hogwarts Legacy and Mortal Kombat 1
- I was able to watch movies early in the office cinema (during work hours)
- Got to go to exclusive events such as the Barbie Staff premier at Leicester Square and tickets to a boxing fight at the 02
- Exclusive access to unreleased content having the opportunity to play games years before release
- Was able to meet Brian Cox, lead actor in the show Succession
- Participate in the office football team and play against other office teams such as ITV (also during work hours!)
- Lots of free merch!
My role at Warner was in the Games division as a sales analyst and finance intern. I had the great opportunity to still participate in many events – a lot of which do not correlate to my role whatsoever!
I had a great chance to learn and develop my skillset with my software knowledge, communication, teamwork and a general understanding of the office environment improving along the way. However, these attributes would not have been attained without this placement experience of doing the Excel reports and making the PowerBi models and having the chance to work with a diverse set of individuals.
How did your studies support your placement year?
My studies gave me the crucial base level of understanding Excel and also the drive to complete anything given to me, to a high standard. Also, through my studies, I had that base level of transferable skills and situations to relate to throughout the whole interview process when asked questions as well.
How was your placement overall - meeting or exceeding expectations?
It definitely exceeded my expectations; I thought as an intern I would do the coffee runs but it was nothing like that, I was treated as a full-time employee being involved in projects and having to sign NDAs is something I did not expect. Also, I had so many great opportunities to do things I have never done before and may not have the chance to so do in the future.
How are you finding Uni now that you have returned from placement? Is it supporting your final year of studies?
Whilst it is sad to have a great year ended, it has prepared me for my final year. I am happy to have that student lifestyle again as I know what the working life would be when I graduate so I can make the most out of this final year. However, it has given me the extra drive to work hard and secure the first and a clearer sense of direction of where I want to venture into after graduation.
Were you offered a grad role?
Unfortunately, at Warner if you do a placement year you are unable to apply to the graduate scheme. However, what they did offer was a fast track with the application process if I were to apply for another role.
Any advice to second year students when searching for a placement.
Use the As mentioned, I would not have secured this role or any other offers if it was not for the placement team having the support and insight into the application process. It certainly prepared me to compete against other candidates in the interview process as I was more confident and ready for what was asked. But also, have patience! The application process for these schemes takes time and if you do not get the offer straight away keep going and applying. It is a lengthy process but worth it in the end.
What would you say to any student considering doing a placement?
Do not think of it as a typical year of Uni that is just added to your course. I know some people want Uni to be over and done with but once you have finished your studies, it may be much harder to find a job without that placement year of experience. Plus, the experience as an intern is great as they understand this is your first time and help you so much.
So just go for it! Plus, when you come back to Uni, you really do appreciate your final year so much more.