In this episode, we take a look at something most of us take for granted – the two-day weekend. But are two days enough?
24 min listen
Brad Beavan is a professor in social and cultural history at the СÀ¶ÊÓƵ. As you’ll hear, even the weekend as we know it is a relatively new development in the western world. So how did we get to where we are today, how likely is it that we’ll be enjoying a four-day working week any time soon, and how do both employees and employers feel about it?
We’d love you to be part of the discussion, too. Email your questions on this episode or ideas for future episodes to lifesolved@port.ac.uk.
You can also find out more about this work and other research at the СÀ¶ÊÓƵ website: /research/
Life Solved is released every Thursday and available on all major podcast platforms
History of the two-day weekend offers lessons for today’s calls for a four-day week:
4 Day Week:
A short history of the two-day weekend:
Professor Brad Beaven bio: /about-us/structure-and-governance/our-people/our-staff/brad-beaven
Previous Episodes...
In the latest series of the Life Solved podcast we celebrate our 100th episode, explore topics such as chemsex, myth-busting CSI, nature's role in cleaning up our waters, how batteries are leading the change in sustainability, the history of the weekend and much more!
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