Close-up shot of computers in server room

Systems and information systems research

Explore our work in systems and information systems, one of our areas of research expertise in Computing

Information Systems (IS) looks at the way in which technology supported information systems are developed, designed and implemented, and our systems and information systems research looks at how these systems can help organisations address complex problems and move their organisational practices towards business excellence. 

In a fast-moving world in which organisations are under great pressure to be more productive, we're exploring how technology – and IS professionals – can support and develop the strategic, managerial and operational activities of a business, and the ways in which they gather, process, store and distribute information.

Rather than being a problem with the technology itself, many information systems fail because the IS does not meet the expectations of users. This costly from both a financial and a human resources perspective, so through our research, we're exploring how improved methods of implementation can stimulate organisational change and improve development practices.

Our research covers the following topics

  • Information Systems
  • Socio-Technical Systems
  • Complex Systems
  • Business Systems
  • Work Systems
  • Human Activity Systems
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Organisational Systems
  • Systems Thinking
  • Cybernetics
  • Soft Systems
  • Complex Systems
  • Systems Practice
  • Information Systems Securit


Our research uses methods of systems thinking, analysis as well as information systems and organisational development. We use qualitative methods including action research, ethnography, grounded theory and case studies, and quantitative research methods, such as statistical analysis, and data analytics, including big data analysis.

Recent projects and funding highlights include

[2016–2019]: £203,746


How Different Text styles influence the way of learning across generations [2018–2019]: £29,494.747 from EU [European Structural and Investment Funds, Operation Programme Research, Development and Education] and The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic


We were recently involved in the World IT Project, for this we received a grant funded from the Balance Network: £2175

Discover our areas of expertise

Systems and information systems is one of our 3 areas of research expertise in Computing â€“ explore the others below.

Computational intelligence

Our research is studying computational paradigms, with the aim of designing and developing algorithms which can be implemented with human machine systems.
Robot being fixed by computer engineer
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Cyber security

We're working to improve the security of the systems used to access assets, and to make the way people access them more secure.
Female cyber security worker working at computer
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Health informatics

We're improving the design of computer systems and wellbeing services to make the delivery of healthcare more efficient and cost-effective, and we're exploring how technology can influence lifestyle choices and reduce health risks.
doctor studying vitals on tablet computer
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Research groups

Intelligent and Networked Systems Research Group

We're researching intelligence, interaction and communication over the networked systems that are key aspects of today's connected world.


Innovative Industrial Research Group

We're researching how to improve industrial performance through the integration of AI in products and services.


Interested in a PhD in Computing?

Browse our postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils – at our Computing & Information Systems and Health Informatics postgraduate research degree pages.