Find out more about the CoBra Project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund
The aims to improve the quality of both diagnosis and treatment of localised cancers by developing a new medical robot prototype for brachytherapy and biopsy guided by CTs or MRIs scanners.
The main goal of the project is to improve the quality of the patient’s life and reduce the chances of fatality.
The Programme covers the 2 Seas area, which includes the coastal regions of England, France, Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands. These areas are connected by the Channel and the North Sea, and have a combined population of 29 million people.
Despite this, very few Brachytherapy centres exist in the area – meaning that resident patients often need to travel outside the 2 Seas region to access the appropriate treatments.
But by using the complimentary skills and resources available within the 2 seas region, the CoBra project – one of the largest cross-border Programmes in Europe – aims to develop technological innovations that can remedy this issue.

CoBra is funded by the , which aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions.
CoBra strategy
Our aim is to develop a prototype medical robot for the diagnosis and treatment of localised cancers with brachytherapy and biopsy under the guidance of CT and MRI scanners.
We will initiate a training programme for practitioners and physicists on MRI based robotic brachytherapy and biopsy in the 2 Seas region.
To build a map that will allow the placing of this technology in areas with the highest access to the population in the 2 Seas region.
Specialisation in diagnostic equipment
There are a number of large companies specialising in diagnostic equipment for cancer by imaging or biopsy,
Specialising in Radiological Cancer Treatment
Our observer partners, Elektra and Philips, have recently started specialising in coupling diagnosis and treatment for external radiotherapy.
Develop biopsy guidance devices
We will develop biopsy guidance devices in the same way as companies such as Demcon.
The University of Lille will contribute to the development of the robot and TU Delft will develop steerable needles under the control of MRI's. We will work on the optimisation of the treatment plan and the best location of the robot within the South of England.
The Centre Oscar Lambret and NHS СÀ¶ÊÓƵ Hospital have extensive experience in the localised treatment of prostate cancer and other types of tumours.
The team of investigators at СÀ¶ÊÓƵ are:

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Decision and data analytics
Research in the design of decision support systems, and use of data analysis, to help people make better decisions through a better understanding of their data.

Healthcare analytics
From nurse scheduling to infection and disease modelling, our research provides decision-makers in the healthcare sector with optimal strategies for treatment.

Centre for Operational Research and Logistics
We're using our expertise in analytics, system design, simulation, programming, and forecasting to help organisations around the world make better decisions.