Only to be used for CCI Promotion purposes

Emily's degree and the careers support at СÀ¶ÊÓƵ helped her develop her goal of working in audio and visuals for events


Growing up, I had no idea what I wanted to be. I was a very dramatic person and loved learning about how things worked, which I felt were very different traits. I could never imagine a job that involved both.

When it came to choosing my A-Levels, I decided I should go for the academic subjects as they would get me a good job and a stable life. I soon realised that maths and chemistry were not for me and that I would be much better at a college doing a more hands-on course. From this I found Television and Broadcasting at the СÀ¶ÊÓƵ and knew it was for me. Never did I ever expect to find a course and a career where I could use my creativity alongside my problem solving skills, as this is what I love.

My time at university has been everything I wanted it to be. It’s been challenging, but I have learnt so much and made some great friends.

Emily Haysom, BA (Hons) Media and Digital Practice graduate

Since coming to university, I’ve changed so much; way more than I ever expected to. I’ve become more positive, more outgoing, learnt how to work in a group and of course gained so many transferable skills from my course. University has truly made me into a young woman, someone that I’m proud to be. Television and Broadcasting has not only taught me how to produce a live broadcast and edit a documentary, but also how to be a leader and manage my workload while still having a life outside of work. The staff have had such an impact on me as a person and they’ve mentioned the difference in my persona a few times.

My proudest moment at university would probably be when I completed my final year project in April, after I had spent around 300 hours working on a 4-minute animation – it was a great achievement.

Emily Haysom, BA (Hons) Media and Digital Practice graduate

Once I graduate, I’d like to go into audio and visuals for events: the use of cameras, screens and audio equipment for the likes of festivals, concerts and film premieres. Up until this year, I thought the only way to be successful and use my degree was to become a runner and work my way up to producer. While this route works for many, I didn’t like the uncertainty of being freelance. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to find a job I enjoyed and would end up doing something unrelated to my degree. That was until I attended the Careers and Employability fair, where I met a company that specialises in AV hire. Suddenly my eyes were opened to the world of jobs that weren’t based in a television centre but still allowed me to use the creativity, technical and transferable skills I’ve learnt throughout my time at university.