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What we spend and how we spend it
Find out what our sources of income are, and how we use that money, year-by-year
Where our money comes from
We get our income from various sources:
- Approximately 81% is from tuition fees and education contracts
- 9% is from government (funding council) grants
- 10% is from other income sources (including halls of residence and catering)
Income in 2022/23
Income type | Amount (in £) |
Tuition fees and education contracts | 239,866,000 |
Funding council grants | 30,542,000 |
Research grants and contracts | 13,308,000 |
Other income | 18,492,000 |
Endowment and investment income | 10,230,000 |
Total | 312,438,000 |
How we spend our money
In 2022/23, we spent £247 million (80% of the spending total) on academic departments and services, student bursaries and hardship funds and staff and student facilities.
We spent a further 9% (£30 million) on the maintenance of buildings and facilities.
Discover how our expenditure impacts the local economy.
Expenditure in 2022/23
Expenditure type | Amount (in £) |
Running academic departments | 168,639,000 |
Providing academic services | 50,013,000 |
Costs of academic research | 10,396,000 |
Bursaries and hardship funds | 5,207,000 |
Staff and student facilities | 22,690,000 |
Maintaining our buildings and facilities | 30,202,000 |
Providing residences and catering | 6,582,000 |
Other operating costs | 10,939,000 |
Other | 10,154,000 |
Total | 314,822,000 |